Camp Permissions: 


Calvary Family Church ACN 080 375 793 (the “Church”)


  • The Church’s annual Family Camp (the “camp”) is taking place at Flanagan Reserve Bush Camping. It is important that all attendees, including children, take note that Flanagan Reserve has an unfenced creek/water hole, and there are no safety barriers between the campsite and the water. The Church does not facilitate supervision for any attendees during the camp. By attending camp with children or dependents, parents agree to provide active supervision for all children and/or dependents at all times. The Church takes no responsibility for the supervision of attendees at camp, including children.


  • During camp there may be various activities that attendees may wish to participate in of their own volition that are not facilitated by the Church. The Church does not provide instructions, supervision, equipment (nor does the Church guarantee the safety or reliability of any equipment) for these activities. Attendees participate in these activities at their own risk.
  • However, the Church may facilitate some activities during the course of camp that may at times be hazardous. These activities may include:
    • an open fire pit; and
    • ball games
  • The Church will take all reasonable precautions within its power to minimize exposure to known risks, hazards and dangers associated with any Church facilitated activity that is undertaken by attendees during camp that can be reasonably foreseen.
  • Camp attendees are not required to participate in any activities facilitated by the Church, and attendees participate in any activities facilitated by the Church during camp at their own risk.
  • During camp, all attendees must follow the lawful and reasonable directions of the Church and its representatives at all times.
  • Attendees must advise the Church of any medical conditions or impairments that may affect the attendee’s ability to safely participate in any of the activities during camp facilitated by the Church.

Food and Accommodation

  • Attendees are responsible for bringing, storing and preparing their own food, including any food for children/dependents, during camp. The Church may provide a common area where attendees can gather to prepare and eat meals. Any use of the Church provided equipment for the preparation or consumption of food is at the attendee’s own risk.
  • Attendees with any food allergies must notify the Church prior to the commencement of camp of their allergies, and these attendees are responsible for preparing their food with their own equipment.
  • Attendees are also responsible for providing and setting up their own accommodation during camp. The Church does not provide accommodation for camp, or guarantee the safety or reliability of any gear used for accommodation purposes. Attendees use their own accommodation during camp at their own risk.
  • Attendees acknowledge that the Church does not provide insurance for attendee’s personal equipment, such as caravans, vehicles, motorised watercrafts or other equipment.


  • Attendees indemnify the Church against any loss or damage to property, equipment or personal effects belonging to them, or any other person arising either directly or indirectly from or in connection with the activities of camp.
  • Attendees release and further agree to indemnify, hold harmless or reimburse the Church or the individual members, agents, employees and representatives thereof,  from and against, any claim which the attendee, any parent or guardian, any sibling, or any other person, firm or corporation may have or claim to have, known or unknown, directly or indirectly, for any losses, damages, injuries, illness, accidents, and lack of competent medical care arising out of, during, or in connection with the attendee’s participation in the camp (including all forms of transportation/travel) or the rendering of emergency medical procedures or treatment, if any.

Medical Treatment

  • Attendees must provide the Church, prior to the commencement of camp, with any medical information relevant to their attendance at camp.
  • In case of an emergency, the attendee gives consent to receive any medical care deemed necessary by a representative of the Church (under the advice of local medical practitioners). This may include, but is not limited to, travel by ambulance and hospital treatment. The attendee consents to an appointed first aid officer of the Church to give basic first aid care if required. The attendee agrees to pay all medical expenses that may be incurred.
  • In case of an emergency relating to a child, and if the child’s parents cannot be immediately contacted, the child’s parents give consent for the child to receive any medical care deemed necessary by a representative of the Church (under the advice of local medical practitioners). This may include, but is not limited to, travel by ambulance and hospital treatment.  The child’s parents consent to an appointed first aid officer of the Church giving basic first aid care if required.  The child’s parents agree to pay all medical expenses that the child may incur.


  • All attendees at camp acknowledge that they have read, understood, and will comply with the terms of this waiver, all relevant policies and expectations of the Church regarding their attendance at camp (and in respect of parents/guardians attending camp with children, accept these terms of behalf of minors in their care).

Have read and understood the above waiver for attending the Church Camp 2024.